About Us

We are an Association of Combat Veterans from all branches of the United States Armed Forces who ride motorcycles as a hobby. Our mission now is to support and defend those who have defended our country and our freedoms.

Our membership is comprised of Full Members (those with verified combat service) and Supporter Members (those who have non-combat military service and have a sincere dedication to helping veterans). Many members continue to serve in our Armed Forces, with several serving in combat areas now.

Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association has over 250 Chapters in all 50 states, along with 2 in Germany and 1 in South Korea.  

One of the great aspects of this organization is that each Chapter can decide which Veteran issue(s) they wish to focus on to best serve our nation’s heroes in their respective Veteran community.

Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association, Ohio Chapter 12-7 serving the greater Cleveland area, has made it our mission to support Veterans dealing with Combat Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Traumatic Brain Injuries and other Combat-related traumas.  

Veterans interested in learning more about Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association can visit: